Top-Notch Minnesota Breach of Contract Attorneys
Reputable Board-Certified Legal Specialists for Hire
A breach of contract essentially occurs when one party has failed to follow the terms of the agreement. Of course, this can become complicated as some cases require arbitration or trial. It can be tricky to navigate without proper legal representation, so make sure you work with a trusted legal firm such as RWI Law.
Get the Best Representation for Your Case
If you’re facing a breach of contract case, you need to contact an experienced employment attorney who can help you deal with the situation. If you also feel that you were wrongfully terminated or have any questions related to your breach of employment matters, our team can assist you in each aspect of your legal matters.
What Should I Bring to My First Meeting with a Civil Litigation Attorney?If your case involves a contract, please bring the contract. Other relevant documents related to the case will be helpful. These additional documents may include communications with the other party, letters, invoices, and any court papers. A detailed timeline of events and a list of questions you have is also helpful.
What Kind of Documentation Is Needed in the Issue of Marital Asset Division?Documentation needed for marital asset division includes financial statements, bank records, property deeds, tax returns, retirement account statements, and any records of debts or liabilities. Accurate and comprehensive documentation is crucial for equitable distribution.
How Are Retirement Accounts Addressed in the Marital Asset Division?Retirement accounts are considered marital property in Minnesota and are subject to division during a divorce. This can involve transferring a portion of the retirement funds from one spouse to another through a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO), ensuring compliance with plan rules and tax regulations.
What Issues Cannot Be Addressed in a Prenuptial Agreement?A prenuptial agreement cannot address issues related to child custody or child support, as these matters are determined based on the best interests of the child at the time of divorce. Additionally, a prenuptial agreement cannot waive the right to spousal support if it would cause undue hardship.
Is Mediation Required in Minnesota Contested Divorces?Yes, in Minnesota, mediation is often required in contested divorces before the case proceeds to trial. Mediation allows both parties to negotiate and potentially reach a settlement on contested issues, with the assistance of a neutral third party (the mediator). Mediation is often not required when there is evidence of domestic abuse between the parties.
What Is the Best Way To Handle a Breach of Contract?Handling a breach of contract typically involves reviewing the contract to understand the terms and remedies available, communicating with the other party to resolve the issue, and potentially pursuing legal action if the breach is not resolved. In some cases, negotiation or mediation can be effective alternatives to litigation. Generally, if one party has failed to perform under a contract, the aggrieved party needs to notify the breaching party of the issue and give the breaching party an opportunity to correct the problem before bringing a lawsuit.
Civil Litigation
What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Civil Litigation Claim in Minnesota?The statute of limitations in Minnesota varies by the type of civil claim. For example, personal injury and breach of contract claims generally have a statute of limitations of six years. It is important to consult with an attorney to determine the specific limitation period for your case. Once the statute of limitations passes, you generally lose the opportunity to bring a successful lawsuit.
How Do I Know if I Have a Strong Case for My Business Dispute?To determine if you have a strong case for a business dispute, you should assess the facts, evidence, and legal basis for your claim. Consulting with an experienced civil litigation attorney can help you evaluate the strength of your case, considering factors such as the clarity of the contract, documentation, witness testimony, and potential damages.
What Is the Process for Filing a Civil Lawsuit?Filing a civil lawsuit in Minnesota involves drafting and filing a “Complaint” with the appropriate court, which outlines the basis for the lawsuit and the relief sought. The plaintiff must have the “Complaint” and a “Summons” personally served on the defendant by a 3rd party. The defendant generally has 21 days to respond or the Plaintiff can seek a default judgment. If the defendant responds, the case may proceed through discovery, court hearings, settlement negotiations, and potentially a trial.
What Kinds of Compensation May Be Available in a Business Dispute Lawsuit?Compensation in a business dispute lawsuit can include actual damages (e.g., lost profits), consequential damages, punitive damages (in cases of willful misconduct), and sometimes specific performance (requiring the defendant to fulfill their obligations under a contract).
How Can I Settle a Civil Case Out of Court in Minnesota?A civil case in Minnesota can be settled out of court through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. Settlement agreements are often reached through discussions between the parties involved, with the help of attorneys or a mediator, to avoid the time and expense of going to trial.
Family Law
What Is the Process for Filing for Divorce in Minneapolis?To file for divorce in Minneapolis, you or your spouse must have lived in Minnesota for at least 180 days before filing. The process begins by filing a “Petition for Dissolution of Marriage” with the court. The responding party is then served with the divorce papers, and they have 30 days to respond If the responding party does not respond, the petitioning party may seek a default divorce. If both parties agree on the terms of the divorce, it may proceed as an uncontested divorce with a joint filing. Otherwise, the divorce will be contested, involving court hearings and possibly a trial.
How Long Does a Divorce Take in Minneapolis?The timeline for a divorce in Minneapolis can vary widely depending on whether it is contested or uncontested. An uncontested divorce may be finalized in a few months, while a contested divorce can take a year or longer due to the complexities involved in resolving disputes over issues like custody, property division, and support.
How Do I Revise a Child Custody Order That Is Now Unworkable?To revise a child custody order in Minnesota, you must file a motion to modify the custody order with the court. The court will consider the motion if there has been a significant change in circumstances that makes the current arrangement unworkable or not in the best interests of the child. The court will review the evidence and may hold a hearing before deciding.
What Does “Equitable” Distribution Mean When Dividing Our Marital Assets in Divorce?“Equitable” distribution in Minnesota means that marital assets are divided fairly but not necessarily equally. The court considers several factors, such as the length of the marriage, each spouse’s financial circumstances, contributions to the marriage, and future needs when dividing assets.
How Do I Know if I Am Eligible for Spousal Support?Eligibility for spousal support (alimony) in Minnesota depends on several factors. These factors include the financial resources of the requesting spouse, the standard of living established during the marriage, the duration of the marriage, and each spouse’s contribution to the marriage, among others. The court evaluates these factors to determine if spousal support is necessary and fair.
Employment Law
Are Employment Contracts Legally Binding?Employment contracts typically detail the employer and prospective employee’s expectations regarding the job position, responsibilities, employment benefits, and compensation. They’re essentially a legally binding agreement between both parties as they set the rights and ground rules of the relationship. The contract can also allow for certainty regarding the terms of the separation of the employment relationship if it needs to be terminated.
What is Employment Law?Employment law regulates the relationship between employers and employees. Federal and Minnesota law protects employees in several ways, including:
- Overtime pay. The federal Fair Labor Standards Act and the Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act (MFLSA) requires employers to pay employees a higher wage for time worked beyond a certain number of hours. Minnesota law requires an employer to pay employees at an overtime rate of one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for every hour worked in excess of forty-eight (48) hours in one workweek.
- Wages owed after being fired. Minnesota law requires that employers pay employees all earned and unpaid wages after they are discharged.
- Statement of earnings. Minnesota law requires that employers provide employees with a written or electronic statement of their wages during each pay period, including the employees name, all deductions made, rate of pay, and total net earnings.
- Deducting wages. Minnesota law prohibits employers from deducting certain costs like uniforms, tools, or broken equipment from their employee’s wages.
- When wages are paid. Minnesota law requires employers to pay all wages, including salary, earnings, and gratuities earned by an employee at least once every 31 days and all commissions earned by an employee at least once every three months, on a regular payday designated in advance by the employer.
- Underpayment of wages. Minnesota law prohibits employers from fraudulently claiming that they have paid an employee more wages than they actually have.
- Drug testing in the workplace. Minnesota law allows employers to require job applicants and employees to take drug tests. However, an employer can’t fire, discipline, or discriminate against an employee on the basis of a positive test result that has not been verified by another test. Further, employees have the right to receive a copy of their test results.
What Can Cause a Breach of Contract?Minnesota is essentially an “at-will” employment state, which means an employer can fire their employee for any legal reason. The contract you signed may also have some clauses and terms that explain policies of termination and the length of time you could be employed. Even if you feel that you were wrongfully terminated, the employer hasn’t broken a law if you weren’t fired illegally. However, there may be a chance that you were wrongfully terminated if the employer failed to comply with the signed contractual agreement.
What Are Labor Laws for Salaried Employees?Some laws, like those requiring overtime pay, do not apply to independent contractors or certain salaried employees like managers. However, just because an employer says that you are an independent contractor or manager doesn’t make it true under the law. Employers sometimes misclassify employees as independent contractors or managers to avoid complying with overtime and other employment laws. You should consult with an attorney if you think you may have been misclassified by your employer.
How Do Equal Employment Opportunity Laws Protect Job Applicants?Minnesota and federal law prohibit employers from discriminating against job applicants due their membership in a protected class (race, religion, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, age, etc.). If you think you may have been denied a job because of your membership in a protected class, you should consult with an attorney to learn more about your rights under the law.
What Laws Protect Employees From Sexual Harassment?The Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) protects employees from sexual harassment in the workplace. The MHRA defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature when either (1) an employer suggests that tolerating the sexual harassment is required to get or keep a job; (2) rejecting harassing behavior causes an employee to lose their job or be disciplined at work; or (3) the sexual harassment substantially interferes with the employee’s employment. If you have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, you should consult with an attorney to learn more about your rights.
Workplace Discrimination
What is Workplace Discrimination?The Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) makes it illegal for employers to discriminate against employees because of their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, familial status, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age. An employee can bring what is called a “disparate treatment” claim against an employer for violating the MHRA. To successfully bring a disparate treatment claim, an employee usually must show that: (1) she belongs to a protected class; (2) she is qualified for the position; (3) she suffered an adverse employment action; and (4) circumstances exist that give rise to an inference of discrimination. You should consult with an attorney to see if what you have experienced might allow you to bring a disparate treatment claim.
What is Age Discrimination in the Workplace?A federal law called the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibits employers from disadvantaging employees because of their age. The Minnesota Human Rights Act (MHRA) law also prohibits treating employees less favorably because of their age.
How to Report Workplace DiscriminationIn general, it is a good idea to report any discrimination you have experienced in the workplace. Employees have several options when it comes to reporting discrimination, including:
- Reporting your employer to the Minnesota Department of Human Rights
- Reporting your employer to the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission
- Making a complaint directly to your employer
Can Your Employer Punish or Fire You for Reporting Discrimination?No. Several Minnesota laws prohibit employers from retaliating against employees for reporting discrimination, harassment, illegal conduct, seeking workers compensation benefits, and other protected activities, including the Minnesota Human Rights Act, the Minnesota Whistleblower Act, and the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act. If your employer punished or fired you for engaging in activities protect by law, you should consult with an attorney to see if you can bring a claim for retaliation.
Workplace Harassment
What is Workplace HarassmentA lawsuit based on workplace harassment is often called a “hostile work environment” claim. In Minnesota, the law allows employees to bring a hostile work environment claim based on discrimination against the employee because of his/her membership in a protected class like race, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, age etc. Generally speaking, minor annoyances or isolated incidents do not give rise to a hostile work environment claim. To succeed in a hostile work environment claim, an employee must show that (1) they are member of a protected group; (2) they were subject to unwelcome harassment; (3) the harassment was based on membership in a protected group; (4) the harassment affected a term, condition or privilege of her employment; and (5) the employer knew of or should have known of the harassment and failed to take appropriate action. You should consult with an attorney to see if what you have experienced might allow you to bring a hostile work environment claim.
What is Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?Minnesota law defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature. In Minnesota, employees are allowed to bring hostile work environment claim based on sexual harassment and harassment based on the basis of sex, including verbal and physical harassment.
Wrongful Termination
What is Wrongful Termination?Minnesota is an “at will” employment state. This means that in, most cases, an employer can fire an employee for any reason. Wrongful termination occurs when an employer fires an employee in violation of either an employment contract or the law. Here are just a few examples of illegal reasons to fire an employee:
- Because of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, familial status, membership or activity in a local commission, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
- Because of a positive drug or alcohol test from an initial screening test that has not been verified by a second test.
- In retaliation against an employee for seeking workers’ compensation benefits.
Can You Sue for Wrongful Termination?Yes. If an employer fires an employee in violation of an employment contract or the law, the employee may be able to bring a wrongful termination claim.
How Do You Sue for Wrongful Termination?First, you need to find out whether you were fired for an unlawful reason. Second, make sure to save any emails and documents related to your employment or termination. It is also a good idea to take detailed notes about your situation, including dates, names, and statements made by your employer. Third, if you think you were fired in violation of the law or an employment contract, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible. The sooner you take action, the better chance you will have to bring a successful claim.
How Long Do You Have to Sue for Wrongful Termination?It depends. For some claims, like terminating an employee in retaliation for seeking workers’ compensation benefits, the employee needs to bring his/her claim within six years from the date that he/she was fired. Other claims, like those based on violations an employment contract, must be brought within two years. If you are not sure what type of claim you have, you should consult with an attorney to find out how much time you have left to file your claim.